By: Adam Gomez Do you feel like leaving a voicemail is a waste of your time? You’re not alone. I’ve worked with many recruiters who’ve expressed this belief to me in confidence. But, maybe how we use voicemail needs to change in 2017. The truth is we rarely have the...
By: Shari Dalton I read an interesting article the other day on that talked about the theory of addition by subtraction. In short, it was encouraging managers and owners to rid their teams of its negative members who drag the rest of the team down and hold...
By: Adam Gomez What are some ways to guarantee your prospect answers that second scheduled call? So many recruiters have found themselves in the following position: You have a great conversation with a nurse. She tells you she wants to move forward and believes...
By: Shari Dalton Self awareness is one of the greatest traits a person can have. Being self aware means that you are very conscious of your strengths, weaknesses, feelings, motives, etc. Oftentimes, the more self aware one is, the better communicator they may be. ...
By: Shari Dalton So many people in sales are afraid of the “no”s and the “losses” in their business. Sometimes it’s because they have weekly or monthly goals they are expected to hit and it can cause stress on their work. Other times it’s because of their egos-they...
By: Shari Dalton Starting out in the industry as a new recruiter can be challenging. Veteran recruiters have made hundreds, even thousands, of contacts and have an extremely large reach in comparison to the newbie just getting started on the phones. But in 2017 there...